Hackaday editors Elliot Williams and Mike Szczys recount a week of awesome hacks. One you might have missed involves a Roku-based smart TV that was rooted and all secrets laid bare for the sole purpose of making an Ambilight setup work with it. We take a look at a creative blade-tracking system for a scrollsaw CNC project, and a robot arm that brings non-flat layers to 3D printing and envisions composite material printing. There’s a great template for video glitching using inexpensive VGA to CGA converter boards, cleanly squeezed into a nice enclosure. We are a bit giddy for the omniwheel robot designs [James Bruton] has been showing off. And we finish out the show with a great conversation happening this week on Hackaday: people from throughout the community share how the chip shortage is affecting their projects.
Take a look at the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!
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Episode 120 Show Notes:
What’s that Sound?
- We had two correct answers, it was the hard drive click of death.
- Congratulations to [Jon] who was chosen with a coin flip from the correct responses and sent a Hackaday Podcast shirt.
New This Week:
Interesting Hacks of the Week:
- Perfecting A 3D Printed Camera Motion Control Rig
- 3D Printing Omni-Balls For Robot Locomotion
- RAM Fiddling Turns VGA Converter Into Video Synth
- Optical Sensor Keeps Eye On Wandering Saw Blade
- Robot Arm Adds Freedom To 3D Printer
- Roku TV Hacked To Run Philips Ambilight Setup
Quick Hacks:
- Elliot’s Picks
- Mike’s Picks
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